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Partners Synastry Overview

Do we click (platonically)?

400 US dollars


The Partners Synastry Overview Chart Reading is specifically for platonic relationships, i.e. friends, business partners, etc. Here, you’ll learn where the two of you are most and least compatible, what your purpose is in each other’s lives, and how each person helps or teaches the other the most. This is a great reading for long or short term friends, friends who are transitioning to business, coworkers looking to take the relationship outside the workplace, and more. If you’re looking for a romantic reading, please see my other chart reading service called the Romantic Synastry Overview. Note: This report is not geared to be an end all be all for the development of the relationship. Its only purpose is to highlight what’s present to work with in the two of your energetic spheres. From there, it’s up to each of you to pick up what you want to use and discard the rest. At minimum, the Partners Synastry Overview Chart Reading will be 15-20 pages. It will be emailed to you to the email you provided in the booking form approximately 2-3 weeks after the date and time you select for your booking. There is no option for a live reading at this time. All readings are written and sent as a PDF, and you are always free to email me with any questions or further clarification needed once you've received the reading. A copy of your full synastry chart together + shared aspects will be provided for you in the reading, courtesy of

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