Romantic Synastry Overview
A taste of our magic together
The Romantic Synastry Overview Chart Reading focuses on the main points of compatibility (or incompatibility) between a couple. It will focus on: 1) what draws you two together? 2) what are the points of contention?, and 3) what is the best way for you, the person booking, to move forward? This is a great chart to get if you’re considering entering a romantic relationship with someone, or if you’ve already been in a relationship for a few months or years. Here, we’ll get right to the meat of the matter so that you have all the information you need to make an educated decision that works best for you. Note: The purpose of this reading is not to guide you into one decision or the other. If a couple wants to work on their union, the only thing that they need is effort on both ends. No astrology chart can doom the partnership or can promise a happily ever after. Both pros and cons will be discussed fairly, and as best as possibly, the reading will guide towards solutions where needed. Please note that sensitive information may come up for you while reviewing this reading. Always make sure that you are in the best state mentally, or have the support that you need before reading the material. As best as I can, I’ll try to be here to answer any questions you have. As always, all information shared will remain completely confidential. At minimum, the Romantic Synastry Overview Chart Reading will be 15-20 pages. It will be emailed to you to the email you provided in the booking form approximately 2-3 weeks after the date and time you select for your booking. There is no option for a live reading at this time. All readings are written and sent as a PDF, and you are always free to email me with any questions or further clarification needed once you've received the reading. A copy of your full synastry chart together + shared aspects will be provided for you in the reading, courtesy of
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