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Saturn Return

From childhood to adulthood

400 US dollars


Your Saturn Return generally occurs between the ages of 27-30, when Saturn “returns” to the sign it was in at the time of your birth. As someone who has Saturn in Pisces and is in the tail end of my own Saturn Return, I have to say that there is nothing that can prepare you for the emotions and the events that occur during this time of your life. No matter what, no description really matches the weight of experience gained and lessons learned. However, what I can say is that my knowledge of astrology allowed me to deeply self-reflect and face what I’ve been hiding. It allowed me to point to a reason for the season (and its end date). It gave me hope that there was still time for me to take control and take accountability for what path I want to be on. It helped me to feel safe in knowing that despite all that may be unearthing, there was a guide that I could rely on that was never going to to leave me and was always going to root for my highest and best. With this reading, I aim to do the same for you. The Saturn Return Chart Reading will discuss major themes that you may see arise, and discuss all major natal planets and transits that will have a part to play over the course of your Saturn Return. It will also highlight the date of your exact Saturn Return, which can sometimes be looked at as the peak of the action during this time. Learn here how to best address things you may have been neglecting, and how to turn this period into a time of master manifestation. At minimum, the Saturn Return Chart Reading will be 10-15 pages. It will be emailed to you to the email you provided in the booking form approximately 3 weeks after the date and time you select for your booking. There is no option for a live reading at this time. All readings are written and sent as a PDF, and you are always free to email me with any questions or further clarification needed once you've received the reading. A copy of your full birth chart + Saturn Return chart will be provided for you in the reading, courtesy of

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